

Connected market space defined

Written by : Tim Vasko | Published on November 20, 2006
Category: TechnEnomics TM

The connected market space is the space, every space and place, in which you operate. If you're like many of us, you take your personal space with you where-ever you operate.

Just yesterday I had a client tell me he had to write 17,000 words for a new program. So he jumped on a flight from NYC to Frankfurt and back-away from the office, kids, house and staff, to get the job done. I totally understood his logic. I carry two long life batteries for my tablet PC (my new little Origami UMPC), that gets me from coast to coast, so I can work uninterrupted as my iPod shuffles through sounds that keep out the white noise and surrounding conversations - it's my 30,000 foot office and view space.

The connected market space is more about how you work and get information, consume and produce knowledge, than where you work. Most importantly, it's how and where the value you need is provided to you and is perceived by you. And your customers, clients, employees, the individual stake holders you connect with daily are exactly the same. The connected market space, is how we live, and it's the technologies we use to create it. So, it should be obvious that the organizations that open their operation with a Connected Market Enterprise process are the ones we read about winning in their markets every day.

It's not hard to understand, for most entrepreneurs, that connections are the life blood of our businesses. What's hard to understand, for most CEO's and managers, is the way these connections have extended from the day of a hand shake, to the equivalent in the global market space created by technology - a blog, an AdWord click, a site visit, an e mail request, and yes an airplane seat with a blackberry, tablet pc, laptop or iPod.

After a decade of technology introductions at a blinding pace building this reality, the biggest questions I get asked are, "how do I apply all of this stuff to my market . The answer is easy. Unless you live in a closet (in which case you won't ask the question in the first place), look at your personal experience of how you work, alone, with your team and the most brilliant business people you connect with daily. You know a lot more than you think you do about creating a Connected Market Enterprise.

The definition is really quite simple. The Connected Market Space is where (where ever, how ever.) we do what we do.

The Connected Market Enterprise is the tool sets you establish and use to connect to your markets - those customers and clients that drive our businesses. The only question left, then, is how well how well you use technology to do what you and your organization does best. And that's what we figure out every day at CMAEON in helping create connected market space platforms for our clients.

Every day I'm watching and working with brilliant CEO's, CIO's and Marketers to use technology to really connect and build that virtual handshake - define that 1to1 relationship and build lasting connected market spaces within their markets, with their customers, clients and alliances - I love the challenge, I love my job.

Tim Vasko

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