

Realestock: transforming the way we think about buying and selling real estate

Written by : Tim Vasko | Published on April 28, 2008
Category: Real Estate

After nearly half a decade of research and development, and a couple of decades in experience, RealEstock is born.

On March 25th, 2008 we announced the launch of - I encourage you to visit, if you haven't already, and begin to understand the meaning and significance of what is today for the real estate, and considering the current global financial scene, for the related sectors of finance and mortgages.

If you're in the market for a second home, a retirement home, or a luxury condo in a resort - then the more than $80 Billion of new development real estate and the search engine we've launched is a must for you. If you're not in the current market for a luxury second home, report property or retirement home - regardless of your station or position in live, I would encourage anyone who owns real estate, who has a thought they may retire someday to a new location, to visit, watch and realize the representation of what RealEstock - in its current form, represents as the world begins a massive transformation in how and where real estate is being developed, bought and sold - and for how much.

At inception, in the name "RealEstock", is a transformational technology and distribution model taking real estate to the globe in a way, much the same, as the financial markets have evolved globally. What this means is, is, for lack of a better term, an evolving Connected Market Space of open information market for real estate. is a search engine, coupled with an evolving conversation community that drives the real estate market to a globally able buyer and seller base - where investors, buyers and developers can discover and transact with each other - and have the information they need to make intelligent decisions.

The significance of what is happening now, today, in the world of real estate and financial markets, provides the underpinning logic of RealEstock. The world is ready for a global real estate market, a true, efficient and logical economic model, that overcomes the shortcomings of the traditional real estate buy, sell and finance model - this reality has never been more obvious.

The dramatic shortfall of the traditional way of distributing and financing real estate has caught up to the world, especially to Wall Street and the US Banking sector - enough so as to threaten "the American Dream..." of owning your own home. The current "depression" in housing has hit the US with a crushing blow. The current situation in housing at all levels, from building, selling and financing of a home, stem from the inefficiencies of the market - a lack of distribution of information about real estate and finance.

RealEstock, is a new model of the global real estate market focused on the Luxury real estate and new development sectors. It is the natural way that wealth and real estate will combine on a logical level - an efficient global playing field. is the logical evolution - the way Real estate should be viewed, sorted, valued - with RealEstock, luxury real estate, estates, resort properties can finally be discovered, property options can be compared, conversations between buyers, sellers and the vital communities in geographic "real - real estate markets" and according to what people actually know, find and discover in their research - comparative community 'lifestyles' and choices, can be discussed. No sales person or pitch necessary - the facts about what is available & who is building, who is buying, and why.

Real estate should be researched, purchased and financed with an open set of criteria. Unlike the traditional restricted access to systems like MLS, geographic specific advertising, the market for real estate buyers and sellers is now global, and needs to be an open book and global conversation between buyers, sellers and potential future neighbors. The current crises in the US housing and finance sectors makes this fact more than apparent. If ever a new model needed to emerge in any industry, it is clearly today in real estate and mortgage banking. Why?

I plan to make several blog entries directly to this point over the next several months as we continue to evolve and the luxury real estate market. While our focus is high end and luxury markets, the fundamentals of the global real estate market are broadly applicable. So I'll be talking in broad economic terms as well as addressing the uniqueness of the second home and baby boomer markets in future blog entries.

Tim Vasko

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